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What's New in Social+ | June 2024

Welcome to the June edition of Social+ Product Update! This month, we’re rolling out a couple exciting features that will enhance your community engagement experience.

Here is what’s new this month 🎉

  • Insights - Social Insights, AI-Powered Tool for Enhanced Community Engagement
  • Core - Push Notification Registration for React Native UIKit

Abstract visualisation of research

Meet Social Insights: Our AI-Powered Tool for Enhanced Community Engagement


Social Insights leverages advanced analytics and AI-powered insights to help businesses understand what users really want and why they need them. With Analyze, uncover trending topics, user emotions, and reactions through real-time sentiment analysis and AI-powered recommendations. With Research, unlock personalized insights and access original user-generated content cited in research reports.

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Push notification

Push Notification Registration for Reach Native UIKit


An API for push notification registration for TypeScript SDK is now available. Simply register your app for push notifications and configure your Apple Push Notification Service and Firebase Cloud Messaging certifications in Social+ Console to start receiving push notifications on your React Native devices.

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We also added

  • Social - Custom posts now supported on Flutter SDK
  • Console - Search for posts by postID now available on Console
  • Core - User lists now sorted by emojis, numbers, and alphabets

Thank you for staying updated with Social+. We're excited to bring you more updates soon. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates.

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