Channel Management
Moderators can Mute, Edit, Add, Close, and Remove channels.

Post Management
Posts created by users are presented to the moderators for review and action.

Comment Management
Moderators can view and moderate comments in real-time.

Flagged Messages
Messages that have been flagged by users are presented to the moderators for further review and action.

Flagged Comments
Flagged comments are presented to the admin for further review. The admin can then choose to delete the comments.

Allow List
Websites can be whitelisted so that links from only specific website domains can be shared.

Profanity Filter
Automatically filter out profanity within channels. Specific keywords or phrases can be added to a global blocklist.

Approve Member Posts
Community Moderators can set whether members can post directly to feeds, or if posts need to be reviewed and approved first.

Admin Only Posts
Community Moderators can choose per channel whether to limit the creation of posts to admins only.

Pausing Data Stream
Moderators can stop the Moderation Panel from receiving new messages so that they can take action on a message.

Broadcast Message
Administrators have the ability to broadcast messages, images and files towards all channel members.

Photo AI Moderation
Automatically moderate images that contain nudity, violence, suggestive, and disturbing images.

Soft Delete Content
The content is only marked as deleted. This means that the content still exists in the database.

Hard Delete Content
The content data, along with its reactions, comments and replies, are removed from the database.

Moderation via API
Moderate via APIs instead of using the Moderation Panel console using Social+ Rest APIs.