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What's New in Social+ | July 2023

Welcome to the July product update for Social+! We're excited to announce some significant additions and enhancements this month.

📣  Announcements

GetSocial Migrator Tool

We are happy to announce the launch of the GetSocial Migrator tool, designed to facilitate the smooth migration of your data into Amity. It is essential to understand the specifications and limitations of this tool, which we have outlined below:

Migration Support

The GetSocial Migrator tool operates on a group-by-group basis, allowing users to be migrated based on their association with a group. Users who are not associated with any group cannot be migrated. During the migration process, only approved members and posts will be transferred. However, please note that topic and poll posts are not supported for migration. Additionally, certain elements such as action buttons and mention data from GetSocial will not be migrated. Reactions on comments and multi-level comment replies using a target will also not be migrated.

Metadata and Data Conversion 

As part of the migration process, labels from GetSocial will be converted into tags in Social+. The authIdentities of GetSocial users will be migrated to metadata in Social+, ensuring a seamless transition. Furthermore, the properties of GetSocial activities will be transferred to the metadata of the corresponding object (post, comment) in Social+, allowing for consistent and accurate data conversion.

User Profile Avatars

The GetSocial Migrator tool supports the migration of user profile avatars uploaded within GetSocial. These avatars will be seamlessly transferred and reuploaded to Social+, ensuring continuity in user profiles. However, it's important to note that user profile avatars using external links will be moved to customAvatarUrl in Social+, but the image files themselves will not be migrated.

Post and Comment Types

During the migration process, the GetSocial Migrator tool supports the migration of various post and comment types. Text, image, and video posts/comments are fully supported and will be migrated to Social+. However, for posts that contain both video and image elements, only the video component will be migrated, while the images will be excluded from the migration. All images and videos within posts and comments will be migrated and reuploaded to Social+, ensuring the continuity of media files. Additionally, posts and comments created by the GetSocial admin will be migrated as if they were created by the Admin that owns the Social+ Admin token.


The system is idempotent, preventing duplication by not re-migrating groups, users, posts, comments, and reactions that have already been migrated.

We are confident that the GetSocial Migrator tool will simplify and streamline your data migration process. Please find all the details here and use the beta_version branch.

React Native Social Network UI Kit

ReactNative Social UIKit

Introducing the Social React Native UIKit - a powerful toolkit for building immersive and engaging social media experiences. Our UIKit provides a wide range of pre-built components tailored for social media platforms, enabling seamless integration of features such as user profiles, news feeds, communities, and more. With the Social React Native UIKit, you can easily create dynamic and interactive social apps that work seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. Start enhancing your social media app with our Social React Native UIKit today! Please see all the detail here.

🎉 New features

Support the ability to enable notification redirection in sub-channels

Welcome to a new level of personalization! Our latest addition empowers users to tailor their notification settings, unlocking a world of possibilities with the enhanced notification payload. Picture this: you can now seamlessly redirect your notifications to specific sub-channels, ensuring you're always in the loop on the topics that matter most to you, rather than getting lost in the general hubbub.

But wait, there's more! We're not stopping there. We're cooking up something truly exciting – the 'jump to message' feature! Say goodbye to endless scrolling and searching, as this upcoming gem will let you instantly leap to any important message. Trust us, it's going to further improve the way you stay connected.

🤩 Enhancements

Increased the maximum URL character limit on the functionality of adding an Allowlist

We have deployed an important enhancement to our Allowlist Management feature in the Amity console. Previously limited to 44 characters per URL, we have now increased the maximum character limit to 100. This doubling of capacity provides you with greater flexibility and accommodates a wider range of URLs.

To take advantage of this feature, simply navigate to the Allowlist Management section within the Amity console. Easily add URLs with up to 100 characters, allowing for more comprehensive allowlisting!

⚠️ Deprecation

Say Hello to v4/images for Image Moderation!

We have some exciting news to share! To enhance your experience with our image moderation feature, we are upgrading our API to bring you v4/images. Starting from 1 January 2024, we will be deprecating out v3/files API for image moderation.

So, what do you need to do to ensure a seamless transition? Don't worry, we've got you covered! To continue enjoying image moderation, make sure to switch to v4/images before the mentioned date.

We've already updated our iOS and Android SDKs to version 6.6.0, along with the Flutter SDK beta 0.21.0, pointing them to the new endpoint for uploadImage(). That means you only need to upgrade to Android or iOS SDK 6.6.0 (or higher) or Flutter beta 0.21.0 (or higher) before 1 January 2024. After this date, any SDK versions below the mentioned ones will no longer support image moderation.

Don't fret, TypeScript SDK users won't face any impact as the TS SDK is already using v4/images.

To sum it up:

  • Android & iOS users: Upgrade to SDK 6.6.0 or higher (or UIKit 3.1.0 or higher) before 1 January 2024.
  • Flutter users: Upgrade to SDK beta 0.21.0 or higher before 1 January 2024.
  • TypeScript users: No worries! Your SDK is good to go.

We're happy that you've made it this far, if you have any questions, head over to our developer forum. Until next month, we hope you have a great one.

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