
All the white-label social features your app needs

Social essentials

The essentials to building engaging social experiences that easily integrate into your app or digital platform.

Video and image stories like Instagram


Allow users to post immersive full screen video and image stories.

Chat member using the mention hashtag to alert other members


Allow users to tag others in posts and comments.

Social media post with comments and reactions

Comments & Reactions

Let users react to posts or comments using text, emojis, stickers, and thumbs up.

Social media post with hashtags


Enable users to use #hashtags in posts and comments.

Open Graph image of a shared URL

URL Enrichment

Show previews from URLs posted by users.

A social media post that was posted just now

Real-Time Events

Updates and edits are reflected immediately to all users on your platform.

Different ways of showing multiple communities

Explore and Suggestions

Display recommended, trending and categories of community groups to your users.

Green dot that indicated users availability

Presence State

Show real-time user availability/status, which users can enable or disable.

Activity feeds

Feeds are a great way for users to get relevant updates, communicate and express themselves via chronological or algorithmically ranked content.

Social media feed

Global Feeds

An aggregate of both user and group feeds.

Social media feed

Group Feeds

A collection of posts from members of the group or community.

Social media feed

User Feeds

A collection of posts for a user's timeline.

Post ranking algorithm

Custom Post Ranking

Define your post ranking algorithm based on engagement rates and time of posting.

Feed Pagination

Feed Pagination

Whether you're querying a user, group, or global feed, a maximum of 20 posts will be returned at a time.

Posts & comments

Increase user engagement by allowing user-generated content through multiple social media post types and the possibility to comment and discuss any content on your platform.

Social media text post

Text Posts

Enable users to create text posts.

Social media image post

Image Posts

Let users create single image posts or create gallery posts.

Video post

Video Posts

Enable users to create video posts.

Livestream post on social media

Livestream Posts

Let users create livestream video posts.

File post

File Posts

Enable users to share files in posts.

Poll post

Poll Posts

Let users create engaging poll posts with pre-defined answers.

Tools to create a custom post

Custom Posts

If text, image, video, and file type posts are not enough, you can create your own custom post with whatever data you need for rendering.

Share button

Post Sharing

Enable users to share posts internally on the platform and externally to other platforms.

Buttons for editing or deleting a post

Post Edit/Delete

Allow users to edit and delete posts.

Threaded chat comments

Threaded Comments

Enable users to reply to other comments inline/nested which encourages better discussion and responses.

Buttons for editing or deleting a comment

Comment Edit/Delete

Allow users to edit and delete comments.

App push notification

Push Notifications

Notify users with push notifications when there are social interactions on your platform.

Social media post showing the amount of impressions

Post Impression and Reach Analytics

Gain deep insights into the reach of your social content, providing essential data.


Build and nurture vibrant community groups where users can exchange ideas and connect.

Option to set the group publicly

Public Communities

Make community groups accessible for all users, anyone can see who's in the group and what they post.

Option to set the group to private

Private Communities

Make community groups accessible only for certain users, only accepted members can see who's in the group and what they post.

An overview of trending app communities

Trending Communities

Display the top trending communities to your users.

An overview of app communities that are recommended to the users

Recommended Communities

Display a list of recommended communities to your users.

Overview of community categories

Community Categories

Manage community categories so users can easily find the communities of their interest.

Overview of members and moderators

Community Members List

Enable users to view the other members and moderators within a community.

Button that a user can use to join the group

Join Community

Allow users to join the communities of their interest within your app.

Input fields that users have to fill in to create a group

Create Community

Enable users to create their own community groups within your app.

Button that a user can use to leave the group

Leave Community

Allow users to leave the communities within your app.

Verified community group

Official Account

Verify a community group as an authentic account. Community will receive a badge as a presence of official status.

User profiles

Allow users to express themselves with their own profiles and interact with others.

User profile with picture

Profile Avatar

Display an avatar associated with this user.

Variable number showing the amount of followers that a user profile has

Follower Count

Display the follower count of a user.

Variable number showing the amount of post that a user has posted on their profile

Post Count

Display the number of posts from a user.

Buttons to follow or unfollow a social account


Users can establish new relationships by following each other, and interact with shared content.

Button to edit your user profile

Edit Profile

Allow users to update information related to their profile such as display name, avatar, profile description, etc.

A search field that can be used to find any user by searching their name

User Search

Allow users to search for other users using their display name.

An overview of the moderation role of users inside a community

User Roles

Display a list of user's roles, such as admin or moderator.

App user profile with badge


Assign moderator (or custom) badges to distinguish various user roles.


All data going through Social+ is encrypted and safely stored. Our security program is regularly assessed by third party auditors and customers.

TLS Encryption

Data in transit is always encrypted with the latest TLS protocol.

AES 256 Encryption

Data at rest is always encrypted via AES-256 encryption.


Our API allows you to hard delete user data and content according to GDPR standards.


Protect users' privacy and data by adhering to strict regulatory standards such as ISO 27001, SOC and GDPR.


Social+ is SOC2 Type II certified.


Social+ is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified.


Social+ is GDPR compliant.


Scale your product and business with the availability of global regions, SSO and Webhook Events.

AWS Multi Region Support

Social+ offers servers in the following locations: USA (North Virginia), Germany (Frankfurt), and Singapore.


Social+ supports Single Sign-On (SSO) with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) integration.

Webhook Events

Webhook Events is a great way you can extend and build custom functionalities on your own by receiving triggers from Social+.

Leading companies are building social experiences with Social+
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