
Social+ Obtains ISO 27001 Compliance Certification, Ensuring Secure In-App Communities & Social Features

We are proud to announce that Social+ has successfully completed its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 audits, achieving compliance with the organizations’ thorough security standards.

ISO27001 is an international standard for information security, which includes IT products, data centers, organizations (sites and personnel), and development methodologies. This globally recognized certification verifies Social+'s information security management system (ISMS) meets best practices in information security.

The audits were completed with the help of BSI Group, one of the world's leading auditors. BSI Group enables people and organizations to perform better through standardized products and services, while also offering businesses certification and standards-related services.

“Offering our solutions to leading enterprises around the world means that security and compliance is always our main priority. Our teams are working hard to ensure that Social+ continues to offer the most capable, reliable, and secure solutions to our customers. Completing the ISO 27001 certification is another great step forward not only for us but also for all our customers, and is a testament to our commitment to quality."

Touchapon Kraisingkorn, CTO & Head of Professional Services at Social+.

The announcement came seven months after the company initiated the process in January of this year. To ensure that Social+ operates with the highest levels of security, the ISO working team underwent intensive ISMS training. Social+ ultimately passed the audit after running a risk assessment, developing a risk treatment plan, announcing information security requirements for the organization, and making appropriate adjustments to working procedures to address security gaps.

As a result of ISO certification, Social+ can now confidently assure its current and future customers and partners that the company operates under secure best practices.

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