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Best Practices for Developing with TypeScript in 2024

Mark Worachote
Mark Worachote
Solutions Engineer
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Nov 10, 2023

TypeScript has quickly become one of the most popular languages for front-end development. With its optional static typing, rich feature set, and integration with JavaScript, TypeScript offers a productive and scalable approach to building web apps. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best practices to leverage when developing with TypeScript. Following these tips will help you write maintainable, robust codebases that can scale over time. Let’s see what are things you can do to improve your TypeScript development

1. Use Type Annotations Liberally

Adding explicit type annotations to function parameters, returns values, and variables provides huge benefits for catching bugs and improving understanding of how code should work. Although optional, liberal use of type annotations is highly recommended. They serve as documentation and help others quickly grasp how functions and objects should be used. The TypeScript compiler will also use types to catch many errors during builds.

2. Interface Segregation Principle

Breaking down large interfaces into smaller, role-specific ones improves reusability and reduces coupling. For example, split a large User interface into smaller AuthenticationUser and SettingsUser interfaces that group related properties. Components only rely on the specific interfaces they need.

3. Prefer Composition over Inheritance

Favor using composition to share functionality over classical inheritance. For example, mix-in helper classes and custom hooks instead of extending component classes. This follows the composite reuse principle and reduces coupling.

4. Use Utility Types

Utility types like Partial<T> and Required<T> reduce repetitive code for transforming types. They produce new types from existing ones letting you focus on business logic.

5. Write Tests with TypeScript

Add unit tests written in TypeScript to catch bugs and prevent regressions. Use assertion functions that leverage TypeScript’s awarenesss of types like expect(x).toBeTypeOf<number>(). Test utilities like Jest integrate seamlessly with TypeScript.

6. Prefer Immutability

Favor immutable data structures over mutable ones. Immutable data is easier to reason about and avoids entire classes of bugs. Use const assertions, readonly modifiers, and ReadonlyArray<T> whenever possible.

7. Use Type Guards

Type guards like typeof and instanceOf let you narrow types within conditional code. This leverages the type system to represent different possible states.

8. Avoid Any Types

Avoid the any weak type in favor of strong types when possible. any disables many benefits of TypeScript. If required, narrow usages of any down to specific use cases.

9. Prefer Union Types

Union types like string | null accurately model variables that can have different forms. They’re safer than any and enable enumerating possible types.

Final Thoughts

TypeScript allows you to scale frontend code across teams and over time. Following best practices like strong typing, small interfaces, and ample testing will ensure your apps remain maintainable and bug-free as they grow. TypeScript speeds up development and reduces bugs when incorporated thoughtfully.

TypeScript allows you to scale frontend code across teams and over time. Following best practices like strong typing, small interfaces, and ample testing will ensure your apps remain maintainable and bug-free as they grow. TypeScript speeds up development and reduces bugs when incorporated thoughtfully.

When it came to building their chat, social, and live live video streaming features, the developers at Social+ recognized TypeScript’s growing popularity and benefits for scalable development. Knowing it had become essential for modern web applications, Social+ provided TypeScript SDKs for integrating Social+’s capabilities.

By adhering to strict best practices like immutable data structures, exhaustive typing, and type guards, they produced high-quality SDKs. Companies using Social+’s TypeScript SDKs can be confident the code stands up to industry standards. With Social+’s TypeScript APIs, developers can easily add powerful communication features while benefiting from TypeScript’s scalability and robustness.

If you’re looking to enable chat or social experiences in your platform, Feel free to explore the features Social+ offers, If you find that a pre-built solution aligns with your business goals, you can start right now by contacting Social+ here!