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What's New in Social+ | September 2023

Welcome to the September product update of Social+! We're excited to announce some significant additions and enhancements this month.

Product Announcements

Jump to Message in Chat

We're excited to introduce a new addition to our iOS and Android Chat SDKs: the jump to message feature. This new functionality empowers users to effortlessly navigate conversations with enhanced ease and precision.

Use Case 1: Seamless Navigation Based on Search Results

Imagine searching for a specific message in a sea of conversations and instantly jumping to it. Our SDK now supports this highly-requested feature. Whether it's in a channel or sub-channel, you can quickly find and view the message you're looking for, complete with sender details, timestamps, and reactions.

Use Case 2: Effortless Message Thread Exploration

Not only can you jump to a particular message, but you can also explore entire message threads effortlessly. Whether you want to understand the context surrounding a message or navigate through a series of replies, our SDK has you covered. You'll have a comprehensive view of the conversation, even if it spans multiple channels or sub-channels.

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Social+ Console Updates

We've launched some exciting updates to the Social+ Console

Soft Deleting Channels

Administrators can now easily delete channels directly from the console, eliminating the need for complicated API calls. This offers a convenient option for non-technical administrators to effortlessly manage channels within our user-friendly console.

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User Chat Insights

Unlock a deeper understanding of your user engagement and community interaction with our latest feature, "User Chat Insights." This addition is designed to provide you with granular insights into individual chat activities.

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Show All Channels

You can now access a comprehensive list that includes both your active chat channels and deleted ones. This broader perspective allows you to make more informed decisions and manage your channels more effectively.

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Hide Deleted Channels

Optimize your viewing experience and boost efficiency by customizing your display settings to only show active channels. This way, you can focus on the most relevant and up-to-date information at all times.

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Channel Count Display

Monitor and analyze channel usage with Channel Count Display. No more manual counting and tracking. View total and filtered results from Channels right in the consoleand get valuable insights for informed decisions and improved efficiency.

If you have any questions, head over to our developer forum. It's a helpful space to get answers, connect with peers, and access valuable information. We're happy that you've made it this far. Until next month, we hope you have a great one.

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