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What's New in Social+ | July 2024

Welcome to the July update! This month, our focus has been on enhancing Console functionality and new monetization elements.

Here is what’s new this month 🎉

  • Console - Sponsored Content, Maximize Exposure for Brand and Partner Content
  • Console - Create & Schedule Stories on Console

Introducing Sponsored Content: Maximize Exposure for Brand and Partner Content


Empower your community with Sponsored Content to enhance revenue potential and meaningful engagement. Sponsored Content enable businesses to create and showcase targeted, personalized ads within Social+ Console, maintaining control over ad placement and optimizing user experience. Get started by creating ads for your community posts, comments, and stories and customize ad placements and ad frequency.  

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Create & Schedule Stories on Console


You can now create image and video stories on Console! Choose a community, upload media, and post. Add hyperlinks and customize call-to-action text for product promotions or event sign-ups. Schedule stories to publish at optimal times for maximum audience reach.

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We also added

  • Social - Filter added to exclude deleted users when querying users
  • Social - Get Post By List function return with API for iOS

Thank you for staying updated with Social+. Keep an eye out for next month's update! If you haven't already, subscribe to be the first to know about new features and enhancements.

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