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What's New in Social+ | December 2023

Welcome to this months update of Social+! We're excited to share a set of enhancements and features designed to improve your experience. Dive into the details below to explore how these updates can enhance your experience!

New Features

User Profile Sorting: Streamlining Moderation Efforts

We're happy to introduce the User Profile Sorting feature within our User Management system. Now, moderators can efficiently prioritize user profiles based on the number of flags they have received, simplifying the moderation process. This enhancement enables quick identification and action on highly flagged user profiles, contributing to the overall safety and integrity of the platform.

For more details, please visit our documentation.

Private Community Channels: Empowering Admins on the Console

Previously, administrators could only create private community channels using APIs with a new flag “isPublic” set to false. With our latest update, administrators can now toggle the privacy setting directly from the console when creating or modifying Community Channels. This enhancement empowers administrators to manage member participation and visibility directly, aligning with our commitment to enhancing user experience, security, and flexibility.

For more details, please visit our documentation.

Enhanced Application Management: More Capacity, More Support

We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Application Portal. The application limit is now expanded to 50, enabling B2B2C customers to support more clients effectively. Paired with advanced navigation and organizational tools, this expansion promises a smooth and efficient management experience for a larger number of applications. This enhancement is part of our commitment to improving the user interface and operational functionality within the portal, providing advanced tools for efficient application management.

For more details, please visit our documentation.

Product Enhancements

User Management System Update: Simplified User Tracking

Our User Management system update now allows administrators to easily track the number of users. This simple yet effective enhancement provides a clearer understanding of user growth and activity over time, ensuring you stay informed without unnecessary complexities.

For more details, please visit our documentation.

If you have any questions, head over to our developer forum. It's a helpful space to get answers, connect with peers, and access valuable information. We're happy that you've made it this far. Until next month, we hope you have a great one.

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