Lead Android Engineer

👋 I’m Trust, Lead Android Engineer at Social+!

To discover more about me and my role at Social+, read the interview 👇 below.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, where you are from, what are your interests, what were you doing before joining Social+?

I am from Bangkok, Thailand, and I am really interested in technology. Specifically, I like technology that has an impact in the real world. Social+, for example, is a company that is doing something that is directly impacting the world we live in, especially this new social direction that we focus on.

Before working with Social+, I was working with a company from Singapore, but only for a few months. I would actually say that I joined Amity right after graduating from university. I was working for this Singaporean company for a very short period of time and it is not wrong to say that Amity has been the main company in my career. 

How would your coworkers describe you in one word?

Good question! I think they would describe me as someone who is reliable. And I also think that they would say I am responsible. 

What office location are you in and what is your favorite thing about being there?

I currently work in the Milan office and there are a few things that I love about Milan.

The first is that the city is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. I love the architecture! The second thing is that it is close to Switzerland and France, which are two countries I love. In Thailand, I would have to travel 12 hours to come to these places, but Milan is really close, you can grab a train and it takes just a few hours to get there. The third thing that I love about Milan is the environment, everyone is willing to help, and there are lots of dogs walking around. I love them! People walking their dogs is not a common sight in Thailand, so I love that I can see that here. 

What made you decide to work in the tech industry and what impact do you think it has in the communities and groups we belong to?

Since I was in high school, I realized that technology is the main influencer of our community-driven world. You cannot see its impact directly, but you can feel the effect in every place and community you belong to. Everything can happen with technology and that’s why I am a tech enthusiast! But I also think that there are a lot of things that I would like to learn apart from technology.

Describe a routine day for you at Social+

In the morning, I have to check my calendar and see what is going to happen for the day. I also have a team meeting every day with the Android team, and I chat with them about tasks and projects. Especially during the work from home period, I think I got to know them better than when we were working in the office together, because we basically have a 30 minute chat everyday. This daily meeting is very informal and that’s why we like it so much, because it allows people to just talk to each other and check up on how they are feeling, if they need help on something, etc. It’s really conducive to productivity and well-being. 

After the meetings, I have to continue my work and that’s pretty much it! 

What are some of the best things about your role? What are some challenges you face?

The best thing about my role, because I am in the lead position, I feel like I have the power to change things that are not working so well. I like to be efficient and be able to inspire people to change something. But also the good thing about the company is that you don’t have to be a leader to change things, everyone has the power to do that. But as a leader, it’s important to have that growth mindset.

The main challenge I face as a leader is that, when you become one, you don’t become a technical leader, you become almost like a mentor, a people manager, so you need to be more empathetic. You need to make sure that the team is happy, not overwhelmed, and that everyone is doing well. That is not easy, especially when the team grows in numbers. A lot of times there is too much noise, so I have to treat them as family, as sister and brother, I have to be the dad that oversees everything. 


What is the thing you like most about working at Social+?

I think Social+ is a company that gives me a lot of options, I get to do a lot of things, not only technology related, I also got the chance, for example, to be a product champion and attend customer meetings.

At Social+, I also have a lot of opportunities to achieve and explore. The company itself is really new and gives employees the opportunity to improve and change. We are a very young company, I would almost relate it to a young person who wants to achieve something, and that matches my philosophy. 

When the company philosophy is this, when you hire like-minded people – that just brings everyone up. Every employee in the company has the same mindset. A lot of my colleagues become friends because we think the same way. Social+ for me is not a company anymore, it is somehow a place that I have grown together with. I think of it now more as a person who I’ve had the pleasure of evolving with.

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