Live chats

4 facts you didn’t know about the power of live chats

In a world where consumers are overwhelmed with choice, creating a personal and valuable connection with them is crucial for your company’s success. What better way to do that than by talking to them in real-time through a live chat? These four facts demonstrate the power of and will convince you to embrace a live chat solution.

Things have changed a lot in the past decade. The rise of technology and digital tools mean consumers are constantly surrounded by products fighting to solve their problems, satisfy their cravings, and make their lives better. Simply put, they’re spoilt with choice. Because of that, it’s crucial now more than ever for businesses to create deeper connections, stronger interactions, and tailored solutions for each customer. 

With an abundance of brands to choose from, only those who are genuinely authentic, approachable, and human will stand out. So how can you, as a business owner, achieve this? The answer is by talking. And by talking, we mean real talk, through live chats.

We know you may not have seen that coming, but trust us when we say live chats are the thing to build into your business strategy. You and your customers will thank us. Here are some reasons why.

Live chats offer the ultimate customer satisfaction

We know you may not have seen that coming, but trust us when we say live chats are the thing to build into your business strategy. You and your customers will thank us. Here are some reasons why.

Did you know, live chat has the highest consumer satisfaction rate at 92%? And it makes sense. Our world is moving at full-speed, and we have become more time-saving-oriented and less tolerant of anything that takes too long. Think about how frustrated you get when a web page takes more than a few seconds to load...

That’s why live chat as a customer service solution is so powerful for boosting consumer satisfaction. It revolutionizes the customer experience — cutting out that endless wait on the phone to reach customer support and listening to elevator music, or longing for an answer to that email sent a month ago. Live chats allow customers and support teams to connect instantly.

Customers prefer live chats over other channels

According to a survey, 41% of customers prefer live chats as a way to reach out to customer support teams. Phone calls are following with 31%, and emails with 23%. 

In another study from EConsultancy, 46% of their respondents believe it is the most efficient communication channel with support teams, whereas 29% think the information received is more accurate than email, and 15% think the same to phone calls. Oh, and 22% prefer live chats for the simple reason they don’t like getting on phone calls. Are you convinced yet?

Consumers utilize live chat to interact conveniently with your brand

What makes live chats such a powerful tool is that they allow you to interact with your customer instantly and in a tailored and convenient way. In a survey conducted by Facebook, 83% of people in the US use live chats to learn about a product or service, 76% to get support, and 75% to make a purchase. 

Let’s just stop those outdated, pre-made, impersonal emails sent without even acknowledging who the recipient is and what the request was. People don’t want to know their shopping cart has not been finalized. This will only grow their frustration. They need assistance and education on your brand and products to understand how reliable your company is and how it matches your customer’s expectations.


Live chats encourage brand loyalty

If you don’t know yet, people who refer to live chat on websites are 85% more likely to become customers than those who don’t.  

If this statistic doesn’t convince you, we’re not sure what will. Simply put, live chats convert potential customers into real ones. It’s clear that when people get instant help and personalized support, they’re much more likely to finalize their orders and make a purchase.

As you can see from these statistics, live chat solutions are an underrated but powerful way to connect and interact with your customers. Live chats are disrupting customer service experiences and sales models all in one. Companies that embrace and make the most out of this channel will truly revolutionize their customer’s overall experience with the brand.

In this fast-paced world, it’s needless to say that those who digitize are the ones who survive and thrive. Where do you stand?
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