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Common app store optimization mistakes to avoid

There are a lot of things that go into getting your app noticed by potential users. You likely already know about the basics like making sure your app is entertaining or useful, and Maybe you've even tried a few App Store Optimization (ASO) tips to help it stand out. But even if you're familiar with ASO, you might still be making some common mistakes.

In this article, we'll run through some of the most common ASO blunders marketers and developers make, so you can avoid them in your own app store optimization efforts. Trust us, your app will thank you for it!

1. Not knowing your target audience

Not knowing who your target audience is a bit like trying to hit a bullseye blindfolded; it's just not going to happen. Without a clear understanding of the people you're trying to reach--despite the best intentions--your message will almost always miss its mark. Your messaging needs to be tailored to your target audience if you want them to engage, and not have them confused or alienated by what you have to say. 

To ensure you're speaking their language, make sure you gain an in-depth understanding of their traits and interests, including factors such as age, gender, location, profession and purchasing power. Taking the time to do proper research into your audience will result in better customer relationships and higher customer engagement. After all, knowledge truly is power when it comes to targeting customers. So don't be afraid to go beyond the surface level; doing that extra work can keep your business from becoming dead in the water.

2. Not doing ASO keyword research

ASO is all about positioning your app in front of the right audience and optimizing it for maximum visibility. But without researching popular keywords related to your app, you won't get the right users. It's like trying to reach new heights without a ladder, or Captain Ahab searching for Moby Dick with a net and a fishing rod! Sure, there's always a chance you'll succeed, but it's an inefficient way to reach your goal. 

So if boosting user downloads is essential to success, then you'd better get back on dry land, stop pretending that luck reigns supreme in the app stores, and do some proper keyword research. After all, there's no shame in wanting to find your Moby Dick! And for that matter—captain's orders—researching keywords is key.

3. Not optimizing your app title and description

If you want to get the most out of your app, you need to make sure that your title and description are as captivating and as accurate as possible. Your title should be eye-catching yet concise, summarizing what your app does in just a few words. The description should do the same but with more detail, highlighting all the features of your app and ways it can help users. Ignoring this step could mean that even if someone were looking for an app exactly like yours, they would never find it. 

Additionally, optimizing your title and description helps search engines quickly identify relevant content, meaning they’re more likely to suggest your app when people are searching online. In other words: don’t underestimate the power of having a good title and description! Taking the time to craft them carefully before launching can make all the difference in the success of your app.

Here are three examples of some awesome app store titles

  1. "Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax"
  2. "Zoom - One Platform to Connect"
  3. "ExpressVPN - VPN Fast & Secure"

Here are three tips on how to write an outstanding app store description

1. Use a style that is easy to read and understand

Your app store description needs to be easy on the eyes if you want people to actually read it. This means avoiding big blocks of text and using short, concise sentences. It also helps to use formatting features such as headings and lists so readers can quickly scan the information for what they're looking for.

2. Tell users what your app does in detail

The description of your app is the perfect place to go into detail about what it does and how it can help users. Make sure to highlight all the features of your app and explain why someone would want to download it. You can even tell a story about how you came up with the idea for the app or how it's helped other users solve a problem. Anything that will pique readers' interest and make them want learn more about your app is fair game!

3. Be clear about why people should download your app

What makes your app different from all the others? Why should users bother downloading it instead of just sticking with the apps they already have? If you can't answer these questions, then you need to work on developing a better App Elevator Pitch--that is, a quick summary of what your app does and why people should care. Once you've got that down, you can use it to make your app stand out from the crowd.

4. Not creating an app store video preview

If you've ever launched an app, you know the amount of hard work and effort that goes into building it. After months of development and testing, you could be tempted to forgo one more step - creating a video preview for the app store page. After all, there already is an app description text, so why bother with a video? 

Well, here's why - video preview can be a fantastic way to showcase your app's features and draw users in. It helps viewers quickly understand how the app works and make them feel like they know what they're getting before they download it. And while this extra step may seem daunting at first, creating a great preview doesn't have to be hard; just focus on keeping your demo short and informative. A little bit of effort now can pay off big in terms of engagement further down the road. So don't skip out on creating a video preview - it'll give your app the extra boost it needs in today's competitive marketplace!

5. Not using screenshots and your app icon effectively

What’s worse than having an app with poor app store optimization? Not using screenshots and your app icon effectively! There’s a reason why companies take special care in designing these elements in detail. The app icon is the “face” of your app, while the screenshots and previews give potential users a glimpse into the app. This can have a huge impact on user engagement and app downloads. 

Too often, app store optimization teams fail to create attractive app icons or provide relevant screenshots that accurately convey what the app experience is like. By ignoring these important elements, they may miss out on creating an alluring impression and luring potential users to their app. App store optimization isn't just about providing keyword-rich descriptions; it's equally important to utilize creative assets for maximum effect. Otherwise, teams will be left biting their nails wondering why no one is downloading their app!

6. Not updating your app regularly

While marketers and app developers already have their hands full with app store optimization (ASO), ensuring the app looks good, and answers user questions, it is also essential to regularly update your app. Not updating your app can be detrimental to its success long-term. Your app exists off code that needs actively maintained in order to be useful and secure. 

If bugs arise or new features become available, failing to update your app means your users won't benefit from improvements. Additionally, app stores reward regular updates with higher search rankings, helping you acquire and retain more users. Releasing regular updates also helps build a connection between app publishers and customers. It’s like inviting them into the development process instead of letting them guess what features are coming next. 

Finally - minor oversights can add up to big headaches if left unattended for too long - so dedicate some scheduled time for regular app updates! All of this adds up to one big point: don’t forget to update your app regularly! Updated apps often lead to better reviews and stronger loyalty with users, giving both you and your customers peace of mind knowing your app is correctly maintained and secure. 

So there you have it – six ways to shoot yourself in the foot when marketing your app. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to boosting installs and improving your app’s visibility in the App Store.


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