In-app messaging

Annoying much? In-app messaging shouldn't be — here's how to do it right

In-app messaging is an essential part of any mobile marketing strategy, as it can help businesses convert more visitors into loyal users. It provides the ultimate opportunity to engage with customers and develop a deeper relationship with them. But how do you make them work for you and your users? Here are some best practices you can follow.

In-app messages are a great way to keep your users engaged and informed. In addition, it presents an excellent opportunity to communicate with users in between sessions in a less intrusive way than push notifications for app developers like you. They are becoming more and more popular because they give marketers the ability to communicate with their users directly without having to exit an app or website. It can also be a great way to market inside your platform so you can maintain in-app user engagement.

So, in theory, in-app messaging is a win-win — they're better than an annoying pop-ups, and you get to connect with the user as needed!

But if you're not careful, in-app messages can become like a nagging pain in your lower back or an annoying telemarketer. The key is to give your users information that is relevant, timely, and actionable. In this blog post, we'll share some ways to create an engaging experience for your users through messaging while also enabling you to meet your in-app goals.

Increase engagement though in-app messaging

Provide in-app support and tips

One of the most important things to do on your app is to provide ways to assist users throughout their journey inside your platform. 

Using in-app messages as soon as someone signs up can immediately establish a relationship with your users. A solid onboarding process can significantly increase user retention by 50%. Utilizing in-app messaging to provide a good experience earlier on can surely give users the feeling of being valued and looked after.  

However, it doesn't just stop there. You can send tips and best practices to your users after their onboarding. So as not to overwhelm them, send in-app messages in stages so that those who are still getting used to the app have time to adapt and adjust. 

Give personalized recommendations

Achieving a high level of customer satisfaction is a great way to get loyal customers to keep coming back. And personalizing the way you interact with users can yield better results for your app. In a study done by Adobe, 66% of consumers said they would not shop at a site if the content did not speak to their interests. Understanding this trend, app marketers are using personalization to improve their mobile strategy. The results are surprising — 88% of marketers reported seeing measurable improvements due to personalization — with more than half reporting a lift greater than 10%.

If you have a great user base, you can use in-app messages to send out tailored information, whether to send updates, cross-sell, or upsell! Coupled with an in-app algorithm and bots you can use to collect data within your app, you can send personalized messages to your users. Based on the content they're viewing in their feeds, people they interact with within their online community much more, you can tailor-fit content that will spark their interest. 

Inform about updates, new features, and events

Don't be afraid to let your users know when you're implementing new features, launching an event or when you're going to be releasing a new update. In-app messaging is a great way to get people excited about what you have to offer because they know they're going to get new value from you. You can also use it to check in with users who have forgotten about specific features of your app. 

For example, if you are live streaming shows, you could remind users about the details with properly timed follow-up messages to get the hype up! Use it to announce in-app content and promotions to bring value to the user and drive user retention over 3x even before your most awaited event.

Collect feedback and suggestions

The best way to learn about your app's performance is by asking people for their feedback. If you're not getting relevant feedback, then you're not getting the most out of your work. The good thing is, users, want to get involved when it comes to shaping a product. In a survey by Aspire IQ, 42% of customers said they wanted to improve a product or service.

No matter how you ask for feedback, getting it is always a challenge. In-app messages for feedback are great because you can send messages right after a user experiences an update or beta feature. It can also give you some of the highest percentages of responses and the best feedback as users don't have to send an email or answer a survey outside your platform. You can collect everything inside your app!

With more and more people owning smartphones and millions of apps made and downloaded every year, app developers like you should take advantage of in-app messaging to engage and retain users. Just remember to be clear and concise with your message. Keep your message short, sweet, and to the point.

In-app messaging can provide an invaluable opportunity to communicate consistently with users and re-engage so they will continue using your app. And, when done well, in-messaging can't be annoying at all. Instead, it can help boost in-app user engagement, increase app retention, and open new ways to grow revenue.

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